About Us
The Story of Niawen:
For three decades, paramedical aesthetician Tara Tekahentakhwa has been blending the traditions and wisdom of her ancestors with her formal training in skin science.
Like the Mohawk matriarchs who came before her, Tara believes skincare should be a sacred experience. A daily self-ceremony to reconnect with the divine within us all.
But when Tara learned she had late-stage kidney cancer, self-ceremony would take on a much deeper meaning.
It’s the kind of news no one is prepared for. Still, Tara never wavered from her daily practice of seeking—and finding—inner peace and power.
She faced her diagnosis with grace and gratitude for each new day. And leaned into life where others may have withdrawn or lost hope.
Tara summoned a strength she never thought possible and stunned doctors with her miraculous recovery.
Niawen was born out of her limitless gratitude—and created to stir this same life force within you.
To help you tap into the unlimited power, wisdom, and beauty that’s there for the taking, if we only seek with intention.
To empower your self-ceremony and unearth your indigenous beauty.